Mixed integer programming is hard to solve (NP-hard), so here we just practically show some examples. Some algorithms to solve this is by relaxations and use the upper bounds / lower bounds of the optimal values to approach.
Stock Clustering
Consider a stock clustering problem, we have \(\rho_{i,j}\) measuring the similarity of the two stocks. We would like to choose \(k\) clusters, where in each cluster we have a representative.
One formulation can look like the following. \(x_{i,j}=1\) if stock \(i\) is in the cluster of stock \(j\). \(y_i\) indicates if stock \(i\) is a representative. Thus we have total representatives equal to \(k\) clusters. For each stock \(i\), it could only belong to one cluster. If \(j\) is not a representative, then \(x_{ij}=0\).
See the next post to see how we could solve this problem in cvxpy