Mean and Volatility Model Work Flow

ACF and PACF Plots

  1. The data does not look like normal from the qq plot, and it has heavier tails.
  2. Both ACF and PACF have several lags that are slightly significant different from 0. To maintain a balance between interpretability and complexity. I prefer that, PACF indicates an AR(2), and ACF indicates an MA(2).


The ADF test shows the null can be rejected without differencing the sequence.


Diagonostics on ARIMA fit

Up to lag 5, the ACF and PACF plots do not show any significant coefficients. The Box tests have large p-values, meaning we cannot reject the null, and should regard the residual sequence as White Noise.

ARCH Effects

The Ljung-Box test seems to suggest there are autocorrelations in our data (squared residuals), while the Engle test suggest that the residuals exhibit heteroskedasticity. There is ARCH effects and a volatility model is needed.

GARCH model

Note: we use a scaled residual sequence to fit the model.

  1. The ARCH effects have largely been eliminated. Up to 10 lags, despite the lag 2, 3 are around 5% p-values, all the other lags suggest we accept the null. Also, the Engle test null cannot be rejected.
  2. From the model output we see that, $\beta_2$ and $\alpha_2$ are not significant (p-value ~ 55%), and $\alpha_2$ has a zero coefficient, so it is not effectively functioning in this model.




To zoom in the predictions, we have the following: